5932 Colonial Valley Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362

(Click Here and select 2024 Pool Pass)

Seasonal pool passes are valid from Memorial Day until the pool closes in September. This includes all weekday and weekend parties and the extended holiday pool parties.

Upcoming Events

Feb 11
Feb 14
Feb 15
Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 21

See All Events

About us

The Korral is a premier private members only on premise club for sexy upscale adults. We are a sex positive club that welcomes open minded individuals to come and have fun with other like minded members. The K has some of the most welcoming, fun and sexy members on the East Coast! Come give us a try!!

Please make sure to come say hello to us when you get here! I am Stephanie and along with my husband Justin, we have the pleasure of managing this amazing club!! I have been in the LS for 30 years and my husband for almost 10 years. We are very friendly and approachable and we can't wait to meet you!!

Thank you for checking us out and welcome!

You can find the Korral on several Social Media outlets including Instagram, TikTok, MeWe, FetLife and Facebook. Our Facebook group(s) are private, which means that you cannot find us in a search, you must be invited to the group by a current member in good standing.



I'm a first timer, and I was made to feel welcome from the time I got there until the end. The staff are great and I can't say enought about them!

Ted, York, PA


What can I say, one of the best clubs I've been too!

Mary, Wimlington, DE


The staff was well organized and the party was absolutely great !

Joel, Hanover, PA


The Korral is a private membership club for couples and singles interested in the lifestyle with the intention of meeting others with similar interests in a social setting without any pressure or obligations. See our Code of Conduct for full information

Couples and Single Males - $50/year
Single Females - $50/year

Membership is required for all attendees.

Read Full Membership Terms & Conditions

Apply Now

Single Men should read the Single Men Guide

Single Men Guide

We welcome single gentlemen to the Korral. If you are a single gentleman looking to obtain membership, please read this page carefully.

We ARE NOT a "sex club" nor a "brothel". We are not a dating service and we do not arrange nor guarantee any kind of sexual activity. We are a social club for people in the Lifestyle community. Some of our members enjoy the company of a respectful single male. We do limit single gentlemen however. This is not because we don't like them. We want everyone to have the same opportunity to have a good time and meet new people, but most couples and single ladies do not want to be overwhelmed with too many single gentlemen.

New single males MUST be sponsored by a current member (couple or single female ONLY). The sponsor MUST attend the party with you on your first visit. You MUST arrive and leave together on your first visit to the club.

We do limit the number of single males on any given party night, to keep the numbers balanced, so get your reservations in early to avoid being denied entry.

Here are some guidelines and rules to being a single gentleman in the Lifestyle:

  • NO means NO. MAYBE means NO. I DON'T KNOW means NO. You NEED consent before any touching or play occurs.
  • NO touching without verbal permission - always ask first, even if you see someone else touching it doesn't mean that you have permission.
  • Approach ladies with respect. Approach the significant other and treat him with respect. It is considered polite to talk to BOTH partners. Be patient and polite during the evening.
  • Excessive intoxication will not be tolerated. Legal consent cannot be given by anyone that is intoxicated either.
  • Act like a gentleman and be courteous at all times.
  • Don't be creepy. If you are interested in playing with someone, let him or her know in an inviting way. If they are interested, they will respond positively. If they are not, never ask them why and don't ask a second time. Don't harass the ladies. Also keep in mind, jacking off in public is creepy behavior.

If at any time you break any of the rules, you will be escorted out of the club and your membership could be suspended or revoked. No refunds are given if you are asked to leave the club. It is a privilege for single men to be invited into a Lifestyle club, so please don't jeopardize your privilege.

Dress Code

All Korral events require you to dress to impress!

Men must wear a nice collared shirt,a plain t-shirt or a button up shirt and dress pants or clean jeans with no holes or excess distress.

Ladies wear something that makes you look and feel sexy. This could be a club dress, sexy top and pants or skirts. Many ladies change into lingerie or something sexier as the night progresses.

Absolutely NO:

  • Hats, ball caps, or head coverings
  • Cuts or colors
  • Slogan or logo t-shirts or undershirts
  • Sweatpants/sweatshirts, tracksuits/pants
  • Athletic or Basketball Shorts
  • Uniforms

**EXCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED IF IT IS PART OF THE THEME FOR THE NIGHT** Please make sure that you follow these guidelines as Management has the right to deny entry for not following the Dress Code

SUMMER EXCEPTION: Dress/Khaki shorts are acceptable from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Hats are allowed at the pool during the daytime hours.

It is okay to bring more comfortable shoes, such as sandals or flip flops to change into. Sweats and more comfortable clothes can be brought along to change into at the end of the night as you make your way home.

Code of Conduct

Always be friendly and courteous to those at a lifestyle club; especially those that you are interested in playing with. These people can be new to the lifestyle or old pros but each deserves your full respect.

  • Keep the innuendos and sex talk to a minimum. It doesn't matter if you are in an adult swinger club, be aware of how you present yourself. Foul language, pick-up lines, or innuendos can come across aggressive, especially by new members. Save the sex talk for a group or circle of friends who welcome that type of conversation.
  • Respect everyone. You may find yourself in a situation where you do not want to proceed with playing. This is fully acceptable but you should be considerate of other people's feelings by letting them know in a respectful and kind manner; a simple gesture of kindness can go a long way. This goes both ways as well. If you feel that the couple you are with is uncomfortable, be open to letting them move on without making them feel bad about their decision.
  • Keep it clean. Be aware of your own personal grooming. Persons with bad breath, body odor, or uncleanliness will have a hard time finding other partners or couples. So be Hygienic. Remember to bathe or shower before attending events.
  • Be neat and tidy. When you are done using an area, don't forget to clean up after yourself. Dispose of condoms, wrappers, towelettes, etc. If something happens to make a mess and it's not easy to clean up, please inform someone from the staff immediately. We are more than happy to help. Before exiting a room after playing, please pull a corner of the sheet back to alert staff that the bed needs fresh linens placed.
  • Don't get drunk. Excessive drinking is frowned upon in the lifestyle. Drink responsibly and in moderation so that you can enjoy yourself, have good memories, and can come back for more if you choose. We reserve the right to take away your alcohol if we see that you are drinking excessively.
  • Opening a closed door or removing a chain from a door and entering the room without permission is an absolute NO. Not only is it rude, but it will get you permanently banned from the Korral. We do NOT tolerate this type of behavior. If the door is closed, do not open it. If the members are okay with you watching, the chain will be up for you to watch quietly. No cheering or encouragement from the sidelines please.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONE USAGE! Cell phones may ONLY be used in the "selfie" room or in the main office. They MAY NOT be used in the club, hot tubs, pool, locker rooms, bathrooms, dining room, smoke room, nor any of the playrooms. If you need to check on the kids, check messages, send an email, start the car, please do so in one of these two designated areas. Failure to comply with this rule will get you suspended or removed permanently from the club.

** No refunds are given if you are removed from the club for breaking a rule. **

Kink Night

Once a month at the Korral, on a Friday Night, we hold a Kink Night. During our monthly Kink Nights, we offer education and a safe space to play and explore. It is not your traditional party night. We place additional equipment onto the dancefloor and the music is played at a lower level as background music. There is no dancing tonight.

We typically focus on one discipline per month and we do a demo during the Kink Night and then follow the demo up by offering "tastings". A tasting is a sampling of the discipline that is being featured that evening. It gives you a chance to experience something new! The Sunday following the monthly Kink Night, we typically offer a munch at the club to further explore the featured topic more in depth and more hands on. Check the Events tab for more information.

Here at the Korral we pride ourselves on education and safety. Therefore, we have established rules and guidelines to ensure the safety of all who attend. Please review the following rules/guidelines prior to attending a Kink Night. If you have any questions about Kink Nights or the rules/guidelines, please reach out to the GM Stephanie at stephanie@thekorral.com.

    • No means NO
    • MAYBE means NO
    • IDK means NO
    • Only YES means Yes
  • No impact play (including spanking) is allowed in the common areas of the club. This would include the bar area, dining room, store, selfie room, smoking room, quiet room, pool table room, locker rooms and the dance floor (except on Kink Nights) - we do not want an innocent bystander to be struck. Continued violations of this policy will result in a dismissal from the club.
  • Kink before you drink. Reserve your alcohol consumption for after your scene.
  • Please be courteous of others and do not camp out in a room. We ask that on a Kink Night you reserve use of a room for just one hour at a time. You MAY NOT do a scene with one person and then immediately follow with another scene with another person. You must vacate the room in between scenes to allow others the chance to use that room.
  • Keep noise to a MINIMUM in the hallways, especially the BDSM hallway. Reserve your conversations for the quiet area or common areas.
  • If you are observing a scene, DO NOT engage in conversation with those that are scening, please hold your questions and comments until the scene and aftercare are over.
  • Wipe all equipment down before and after using it.
  • Aftercare room and supplies are available in the group room.
  • You may NOT touch other people's implements or equipment without permission.
  • Safety Officers or the General Manager reserve the right to call RED on any scene. If RED is called, all activity must stop IMMEDIATELY. The person that called RED on you will then have a conversation with you to inform you of the reason that they called RED.
  • If you have any concerns or questions during the evening, please find the GM Stephanie, Master Justin, Floor Manager or any of the Safety Officers who are wearing red shirts for easy identification.
  • Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.
  • Don't yuck someone else's yum - appreciate everyone's Kink

As of January 1, 2024 we do require that Members are vetted before being able to do certain things at the club.

You must be vetted to do the following:

  • Fire Play (NOT Wax Play)
  • Rope Suspension
  • Hook Suspension
  • Mummification Suspension
  • Needle Play
  • Knife Play
  • Sounding
  • Tesla Wand (NOT the Violet Wand)

The process to get vetted is as follows:

You must reach out to schedule a time to be vetted. All vettings will be scheduled during a Kink Night. You will come at the arranged time to meet the person who will vet you. Please be prepared to present your kit and to do a scene or demo for them. If you wish to be vetted please reach out to GM Stephanie at stephanie@thekorral.com.

We DO NOT allow true CNC scenes at the Korral. This is for the safety of all involved and the safety of the members in the club. If you have questions or concerns on this, please reach out to Stephanie.

The Korral hosts two Kink Intensives each year. Once in the Spring and again in the Fall. This is a great time to expand your Kink knowledge no matter what your experience level is. Check the website for upcoming dates.

Rooms Available

The Korral offers two types of rooms to extend your stay after the party ends!

After Party Rooms

Book an after party room with us! These rooms are the playrooms that will have fresh linens and bedding placed on them when the club closes. You will meet the manager in the bar area at 2am and they will make sure that you know which room you have been assigned to. Some rooms are private, others may have two separate beds in them. If the room has two separate beds, each bed will be considered a separate booking. If you wish to have the room to yourself, you may book and purchase both of the beds in that room for the night. Bathroom & shower facilities are in a common area. After party rooms are booked for a single night. Check in for these rooms is after 2am and check out is the following morning at 10am. Continental breakfast is served in the morning.

See Room Photos

Private Stay Rooms

Book a Private Stay Room at the K. Private rooms have a King size bed and chaise lounge. Bathroom & shower facilities are in a common area. You may leave all of your items in the room as you are issued a key and access to the building 24/7 while you are staying with us. Continental breakfast is served in the morning on Saturday and Sunday. Private Stay rooms are booked for the entire weekend, not just one night. These rooms book fast and are first come first served. Check in time is Friday evening at 7pm and check out time is 10am Sunday morning.